ONTARIO DRIVING RECORDS ONLINE Complete our fast and secure online order form to receive your driver abstract or commercial vehicle operator record by email today.
RECORD HERE *Before you order, make sure that a 3 year Uncertified Driver Record or CVOR Driver Abstract is the document you need for your purpose. Check with the individual requesting the record to confirm which version you need before you order.
What is a driving record?
This 3-year uncertified driver’s abstract / record is typically used for personal, insurance, and employment purposes and contains the following information:
- Driver identification (i.e. name, driver’s licence number, date of birth, gender, height, class, conditions, but not address)
- Licence status
- Expiry date
- Medical due date (controlled class only)
- Earliest available licence date
- Active Highway Traffic Act and Criminal Code (Canada) convictions, suspensions and reinstatements over the past 3 years, the conviction dates and any demerit points accumulated
- Active defaulted fine suspensions
What is a CVOR Driving Abstract?
This document shows information about a carrier and their safety performance or a driver for any events, including collisions, convictions and inspections, while operating a commercial motor vehicle. Typically a CVOR Abstract includes:
- Description of each accident, Conviction and inspection, Plus microfilm reference numbers
- Driver’s Licence Number & Name
- Class & Condition
- Expiry and medical due dates
- Status
- Five (5) year snapshot of an Ontario issued Driver’s Licence, containing information while operating heavy commercial vehicles
- Often used for legal purposes. Has official seal endorsed by the ministry
What will I need to order?
To order a 3-year uncertified driver’s record or a cvor abstract you will need the following:
- Your Ontario driver’s licence number
- Your name and email address
- The Ontario driver’s licence number of the person whose record you are requesting
Our Services
Driver-Records.com has been providing a trusted driving record service online since 2013. Get your Ontario Driving Abstract or Commercial Vehicle Operator Record online and hassle free with our fast and secure online order form
Online Application
Place your order in less than 10 minutes and receive your 3-year uncertified driver's records by email in 24 hours or less.
Online Delivery
A digital version of the record will be emailed to you within 24 hours of your order being received. The document will be sent in PDF format that can be saved on your computer and printed as needed.
Online Payment
Order record online for $48.00. Payment may be provided by VISA, MasterCard, American Express, Discover & Paypal
Online Security
No sensitive personal or credit card information is collected or stored by this website.
Apply online and receive your official driver’s abstract in less than 24 hours or order through a Service Office location.